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Services & Products



















Me Time

Me Time

More Flower

More Flower

Less Wallpaper

No Regrets

No Regrets

Book Now

Exclusive Products

Exclusive Products

Best in the Biz

Big Day?

Big Day?

Better Book It

Wax On

Wax On

More OOOh... Less OUCH!

New Tricks

New Tricks

Youth Springs Eternal. Like You.

Organic Peels

Organic Peels


The Sun is Satan

The Sun is Satan

We Exorcise

Me Time

Me Time

A Peel Ing

Services + Prices






Eyebrows / $18 

Lip or chin / $15

Face (sides) / $20 and up

Underarm / $25

Bikini (basic) / $45 and up

Brazilian / $60 and up

Upper leg / $45

Upper leg with bikini / $75

Lower leg / $45

Complete leg / $90

Back / $55 and up


OxyPeel Brightening Facial

Uneven complexion? Hyperpigmentation? This organic vitamin C based treatment targets pigmentation for an even glowing complexion. 

75 minutes / $155

Bella Signature Facial

This facial uses classic European techniques and Nelly

deVuyst organic exclusive care line for deep transformation.

Every facial is customized to your current needs each time

you visit.

60 minutes / $115

Add-on a chemical peel for an additional $30

Bella Signature Facial Plus

All the benefits of our Signature Facial with your choice of peel added. Deepen the treatment with a chemical peel for results that develop over the next several weeks. Include home maintenance for outstanding results.

90 minutes / $135


Lifting Complex Facial

This facial is for people with mature, loose, and wrinkled

skin looking for an instant lifting effect. This lifting care offers

18% more firmness in only 75 minutes. Results dispel over

3-6 weeks. Recommended once a month for best results.

75 minutes / $155


Teen/ Problem Skin Facial

Deep cleanse, exfoliate and calm oily/acneic skin.

One-to-one advice with instructions for home care provided.

45 minutes / $65


Nelly deVuyst Organic Peel

Enjoy the resurfacing benefits of the Nelly Kerotalyse Peel and

deep hydration in half the time of a facial. This facial is perfect before a special event. 

30 minutes / $75 

Add on-Vitamin C brightening mask with peel, a client fave 

45 minutes / $95

Chemical Peels

Peels can be customized to increase the depth, intensity

, and desired results. Most peels have little to no downtime.

Call ahead to schedule a free consultation regarding options.


30-45 minutes / $95 

Series: Purchase 5 and receive the sixth free



Lactic Acid:                      sensitive, dull, sun-damaged skin. 

Glycolic Acid:                   aging, wrinkled, acne-prone skin

Salicylic Acid:                  acne and retexturizing 

Jessner (modified)             reduce dark spots, protect collagen, refine 

Anchor 6

818 Chief Justice Cushing Highway (3A), Cohasset, MA 02025



T    10-4

W   10-7

TH  10-7

F      9-5

SAT 9-5

Who is Bella?

You are. 



"Bella" is Italian for "Beautiful."  

"Bella" is Latin for "Wars."

Ain't that the truth. 



Whether your a retro nature girl or a modern glamophile, You Are Beautiful. No Buts. No Sales Pitch. That's really how we see it. Our gift, you might say, is that truth, and our purpose it to stop the wars -- that make you feel otherwise.


Here's what we think. 


If that old saying is true--"Youth has the face it  was born with but Age has the face it deserves"-- well the women we know deserve to feel utterly stunning. Every hard-won line and wrinkle was groomed daily over years of love, adversity,  hope, defeat...laughter and life.


And yes, sappy things are sometimes also true.


So Shut Up and Celebrate That Beauty. Give it homage with the time it deserves: that you deserve. 


Because there's another old saying equally as true...

"There is nothing more beautiful than a woman who embraces her age."


She--YOU-- fought hard enough to get this far... and that's a beautiful thing. God knows the stories you could tell... dying to hear. 


Please. Say hello. We feel like we already know something about you... Bella

Who is

Lisa Hébert? 




If you don't know Lisa, you just should. Obviously she is not writing this, so here is the real deal about this woman. 


She doesn't have clients.


These people walk in just to chat, sometimes they use an excuse like a chipped nail, but mostly her place is a comfort zone. A place to catch up. Hear the scuttle butt. And laugh. 


And well, everyone tells her this--and it's true-- her prices are simply ridiculous. As in low. She seems to think this is Mayberry, not Cohasset. 


The irony of course is that Lisa is the pro's pro. 


25 years ago, Lisa left the banking industry to pursue her first ambition. Aesthetics. She trained with medical pros and top-tier estheticans, working the gamut from cancer and burn victims, teenagers scouraged by acne, frazzled Moms and stressed execs struggling to keep up appearances. 


Bella Aesthetics is the culmination of that experience. From the assessment and procurement of product to personalized solutions, Lisa's drive is to reveal the beauty inherent within each of us.


Lisa has recently added energy work to 

her menu. As a Reiki Master, she seeks to combine the benefits of inner work with

the outer effects of esthetics.


Since 2004, Bella Aesthetics has won numerous awards but the most cherished are those from "The Readers' Choice Awards." Her clients went out of their way to vote Bella as the best. 


And they have been bugging her about those prices. Clients who want to pay more?


With clients like these, who needs friends?


Not Lisa.

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